Test your web design in 63 browsers and 4 Operating Systems


You have a great blog, cool design and good layout. Have you ever worried how does your blog look like in Cross Operating system and Cross browsers? Here’s a great service for you. Browsershots provides a cool service which makes you to see how your blog looks in various browsers and different operating systems like ( Linux, Mac, Win ) etc. In total you can view your sites in 63 browsers ( just counted ) and 4 major operating systems.

Once if you have submitted your requests, all the screenshots will be captured and will be made ready. And all those screenshots will be available for a period of 30 minutes from the time when the screenshot is available for you and you can still extend the time limit if you want.

Also they it will list you how long will it take to process each of your request in the given browser and operating systems.


Sample screenshot in Safari ( click for bigger size ).
