Web 2.0, Lazy yet Powerful – Part 1

Courtesy: pandemia

Lazy & Powerful. One who is lazy can’t be powerful. But Web 2.0 makes you lazy and yet makes your more powerful. This is what I could term this Era. Sounds crazy? Yeah, the time and effort put by you on searching an information is considerably reduced, and things comes searching you to your desktop, mobile, and what ever gadgets you own. You get your product details on your mobile, email, desktop chat client and everywhere you go. This is the time where you don’t searching the information, but make the information search for you.

Yeah, Internet with the help of Web 2.0 have re-modelled itself to the information pushers.

From Telephone to Mobile SMS, it was the same feeling when one had it on their hand. “Wow, I could get information or get connected to my friend instantly!!!”

It’s the same Wow, that you will utter in this Web 2.0 world too. The era of Pull technology is now getting obsolete. The domination of Yahoo and Microsoft’s search engine domination came to end and new breed of technology motive came into existence termed ‘Google’, which started improving the web a better place and very very competitive place. Welcome to the world of ‘Push Technology’.

When the version of Web ticked to 2.0, things started changing.

Clock ticked from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0

Blogs are the first move towards the Lazy Era. TypePad, Moveable Type, Blogger, Wordpress are predominant blog platform that helped a social move in the blogosphere and started the collaboration between people around the world. Then came the RSS feed technique, which came with every blog and made the connectivity and information sharing more easier. Then RSS feed model got stabilized, standardized and inherited ( XML features ) got unimaginable famous due to it’s flexible of usage and support.

Then, came the Readers for RSS kind of feeds ( Kind of? Yeah there are Atom feeds too ). The famous Desktop Feed Readers like FeedDemon, OmeaReader was rocking and still rocking. Recently move to make FeedDemon as feed is a welcome.

Then with the developments in Web 2.0, Online Feed Readers started mushrooming. Bloglines, Google Reader are the few which can be named as best of the online readers. I’ve both Bloglines and Google Reader accounts and I feel Google Reader is far more simple and flexible.

The RSS feeds were generally generated once in a day or whenever a new blog entries are made. Unless you track a live blogger you won’t get the information instantly.

Google Reader

Though not sophisticated as Desktop Readers, they inherited the advantages of the Internet and Web 2.0.

Continue Reading Part 2..